Erica Kimmerling
ASTC Civic Science Fellow
Erica Kimmerling is managing the formation of the emerging network for Leaders in Science and Technology Engagement Networks (LISTEN) as ASTC’s Civic Science Fellow supported by the Kavli Foundation. She recently completed a Hellman Fellowship in Science and Technology Policy at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences working on the Public Face of Science Project. In this role, Erica was the lead drafter of the project reports Perceptions of Science in America, Encountering Science in America, and a final project report with recommendations for building capacity for science communication and engagement. She is a co-founder of the STEM education program BiteScis, which pairs educators with graduate students to design lesson plans inspired by research and grounded in science education standards.
Erica completed a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering as a NIH Pre-Doctoral Fellow at Tufts University in 2016. Her academic research focused on designing new approaches for the three-dimensional culture of human kidney cells in order to gain a better understanding of kidney development and disease. Throughout graduate school she was an organizer for ComSciCon, a national series of communicating science workshops organized by graduate students for graduate students.